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This is our upcoming events Calendar that we will be updating on a regular basis. We are also willing to hold small networking groups (maximum 10 people) if you are interested in networking with us and some of our talented clients and entrepreneurs.

If you would like to book a private workshop with us, please click HERE so we can add it to the calendar.

I am honored to be invited to be one of the guest instructors at the Theatre Garage in Edmonton where I will be teaching you some tips and tricks on an introduction to FX Makeup, Face and body painting and more! Please visit their website to register as sapces are limited! Also check out some of the other instructors and awesome workshops going on there as well.

August 8 1- 3 p.m.

Join me for a 2 hour workshop where we begin to understand how and why we REACT rather than RESPOND in our daily life, and how we can use meditation as a VERY simple tool to manage stress, anxiety, depression, fear, dis-ease, emotions, goals, and the daily grind.
Meditation will no longer be a foreign concept to you and you won't be afraid to approach it, and adopt it as part of your lifestyle.
Meditation is a simple technique to heal and inspire and you can shape it to fit your life.

We will gather, discuss, and practice. Please bring a yoga mat and/or a cushion to sit on, your open mind, and something to record any information that will be helpful for you.

The cost is $40. You may pay with cash or email transfer to


6807 104 Street Edmonton, AB, T6H 2L5

Email: Click here



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